Tabular Pretraining

When encountering multiple distinct tables which may have different number of classes, performing contrastive pretraining (called Vertical-Partition Contrastive Learning, VPCL in the paper) is often a better choice. This can be done using the transtab contrastive learner model. The full code is available at Notebook Example.

import transtab

# load multiple datasets by passing a list of data names
allset, trainset, valset, testset, cat_cols, num_cols, bin_cols \
    = transtab.load_data(['credit-g','credit-approval'])

# build contrastive learner, set supervised=True for supervised VPCL
model, collate_fn = transtab.build_contrastive_learner(
    cat_cols, num_cols, bin_cols,
    supervised=True, # if take supervised CL
    num_partition=4, # num of column partitions for pos/neg sampling
    overlap_ratio=0.5, # specify the overlap ratio of column partitions during the CL

The function transtab.build_contrastive_learner returns both the CL model and the collate function for the training dataloaders. We then train the model like

# start contrastive pretraining training
training_arguments = {
    'output_dir':'./checkpoint' # save the pretrained model

# pass the collate function to the train function
transtab.train(model, trainset, valset, collate_fn=collate_fn, **training_arguments)

After this pretrain completes, we shall build a classifier from the checkpoint.

# load the pretrained model and finetune on a target dataset
allset, trainset, valset, testset, cat_cols, num_cols, bin_cols \
    = transtab.load_data('credit-approval')

# build transtab classifier model, and load from the pretrained dir
model = transtab.build_classifier(checkpoint='./checkpoint')

# update model's categorical/numerical/binary column dict