Source code for transtab.dataset

import os
import pdb

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, OrdinalEncoder, MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import openml
from loguru import logger

# organize teh dataset_config for the load_data API.
# dataset_config = {
# 'dataname': { 'cat':[],'bin':[], 'num':[], 
# 'cols':[]}
# }

    'credit-g': {'bin': ['own_telephone', 'foreign_worker']},

    "example": {
        "bin": ["bin1", "bin2"],
        "cat": ["cat1", "cat2"],
        "num": ["num1", "num2"],
        "cols": ["bin1", "bin2", "cat1", "cat2", "num1", "num2"],
        "binary_indicator": ["1", "yes", "true", "positive", "t", "y"],
        "data_split_idx": {
            "train":[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
            "val":[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19],
            "test":[20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29],

[docs]def load_data(dataname, dataset_config=None, encode_cat=False, data_cut=None, seed=123): '''Load datasets from the local device or from openml.datasets. Parameters ---------- dataname: str or int the dataset name/index intended to be loaded from openml. or the directory to the local dataset. dataset_config: dict the dataset configuration to specify for loading. Please note that this variable will override the configuration loaded from the local files or from the openml.dataset. encode_cat: bool whether encoder the categorical/binary columns to be discrete indices, keep False for TransTab models. data_cut: int how many to split the raw tables into partitions equally; set None will not execute partition. seed: int the random seed set to ensure the fixed train/val/test split. Returns ------- all_list: list or tuple the complete dataset, be (x,y) or [(x1,y1),(x2,y2),...]. train_list: list or tuple the train dataset, be (x,y) or [(x1,y1),(x2,y2),...]. val_list: list or tuple the validation dataset, be (x,y) or [(x1,y1),(x2,y2),...]. test_list: list the test dataset, be (x,y) or [(x1,y1),(x2,y2),...]. cat_col_list: list the list of categorical column names. num_col_list: list the list of numerical column names. bin_col_list: list the list of binary column names. ''' if dataset_config is None: dataset_config = OPENML_DATACONFIG if isinstance(dataname, str): # load a single tabular data return load_single_data(dataname=dataname, dataset_config=dataset_config, encode_cat=encode_cat, data_cut=data_cut, seed=seed) if isinstance(dataname, list): # load a list of datasets, combine together and outputs num_col_list, cat_col_list, bin_col_list = [], [], [] all_list = [] train_list, val_list, test_list = [], [], [] for dataname_ in dataname: data_config = dataset_config.get(dataname_, None) allset, trainset, valset, testset, cat_cols, num_cols, bin_cols = \ load_single_data(dataname_, dataset_config=data_config, encode_cat=encode_cat, data_cut=data_cut, seed=seed) num_col_list.extend(num_cols) cat_col_list.extend(cat_cols) bin_col_list.extend(bin_cols) all_list.append(allset) train_list.append(trainset) val_list.append(valset) test_list.append(testset) return all_list, train_list, val_list, test_list, cat_col_list, num_col_list, bin_col_list
def load_single_data(dataname, dataset_config=None, encode_cat=False, data_cut=None, seed=123): '''Load tabular dataset from local or from openml public database. args: dataname: Can either be the data directory on `./data/{dataname}` or the dataname which can be found from the openml database. dataset_config: A dict like {'dataname':{'bin': [col1,col2,...]}} to indicate the binary columns for the data obtained from openml. Also can be used to {'dataname':{'cols':[col1,col2,..]}} to assign a new set of column names to the data encode_cat: Set `False` if we are using transtab, otherwise we set it True to encode categorical values into indexes. data_cut: The number of cuts of the training set. Cut is performed on both rows and columns. outputs: allset: (X,y) that contains all samples of this dataset trainset, valset, testset: the train/val/test split num_cols, cat_cols, bin_cols: the list of numerical/categorical/binary column names ''' print('####'*10) if os.path.exists(dataname): print(f'load from local data dir {dataname}') filename = os.path.join(dataname, 'data_processed.csv') df = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=0) y = df['target_label'] X = df.drop(['target_label'],axis=1) all_cols = [col.lower() for col in X.columns.tolist()] X.columns = all_cols attribute_names = all_cols ftfile = os.path.join(dataname, 'numerical_feature.txt') if os.path.exists(ftfile): with open(ftfile,'r') as f: num_cols = [x.strip().lower() for x in f.readlines()] else: num_cols = [] bnfile = os.path.join(dataname, 'binary_feature.txt') if os.path.exists(bnfile): with open(bnfile,'r') as f: bin_cols = [x.strip().lower() for x in f.readlines()] else: bin_cols = [] cat_cols = [col for col in all_cols if col not in num_cols and col not in bin_cols] # update cols by loading dataset_config if dataset_config is not None: if 'columns' in dataset_config: new_cols = dataset_config['columns'] X.columns = new_cols if 'bin' in dataset_config: bin_cols = dataset_config['bin'] if 'cat' in dataset_config: cat_cols = dataset_config['cat'] if 'num' in dataset_config: num_cols = dataset_config['num'] else: dataset = openml.datasets.get_dataset(dataname) X,y,categorical_indicator, attribute_names = dataset.get_data(dataset_format='dataframe', target=dataset.default_target_attribute) if isinstance(dataname, int): openml_list = openml.datasets.list_datasets(output_format="dataframe") # returns a dict dataname = openml_list.loc[openml_list.did == dataname].name.values[0] else: openml_list = openml.datasets.list_datasets(output_format="dataframe") # returns a dict print(f'openml data index: {openml_list.loc[ == dataname].index[0]}') print(f'load data from {dataname}') # drop cols which only have one unique value drop_cols = [col for col in attribute_names if X[col].nunique()<=1] all_cols = np.array(attribute_names) categorical_indicator = np.array(categorical_indicator) cat_cols = [col for col in all_cols[categorical_indicator] if col not in drop_cols] num_cols = [col for col in all_cols[~categorical_indicator] if col not in drop_cols] all_cols = [col for col in all_cols if col not in drop_cols] if dataset_config is not None: if 'bin' in dataset_config: bin_cols = [c for c in cat_cols if c in dataset_config['bin']] else: bin_cols = [] cat_cols = [c for c in cat_cols if c not in bin_cols] # encode target label y = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(y.values) y = pd.Series(y,index=X.index) # start processing features # process num if len(num_cols) > 0: for col in num_cols: X[col].fillna(X[col].mode()[0], inplace=True) X[num_cols] = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(X[num_cols]) if len(cat_cols) > 0: for col in cat_cols: X[col].fillna(X[col].mode()[0], inplace=True) # process cate if encode_cat: X[cat_cols] = OrdinalEncoder().fit_transform(X[cat_cols]) else: X[cat_cols] = X[cat_cols].astype(str) if len(bin_cols) > 0: for col in bin_cols: X[col].fillna(X[col].mode()[0], inplace=True) if 'binary_indicator' in dataset_config: X[bin_cols] = X[bin_cols].astype(str).applymap(lambda x: 1 if x.lower() in dataset_config['binary_indicator'] else 0).values else: X[bin_cols] = X[bin_cols].astype(str).applymap(lambda x: 1 if x.lower() in ['yes','true','1','t'] else 0).values # if no dataset_config given, keep its original format # raise warning if there is not only 0/1 in the binary columns if (~X[bin_cols].isin([0,1])).any().any(): raise ValueError(f'binary columns {bin_cols} contains values other than 0/1.') X = X[bin_cols + num_cols + cat_cols] # rename column names if is given if dataset_config is not None: data_config = dataset_config if 'columns' in data_config: new_cols = data_config['columns'] X.columns = new_cols attribute_names = new_cols if 'bin' in data_config: bin_cols = data_config['bin'] if 'cat' in data_config: cat_cols = data_config['cat'] if 'num' in data_config: num_cols = data_config['num'] # split train/val/test data_split_idx = None if dataset_config is not None: data_split_idx = dataset_config.get('data_split_idx', None) if data_split_idx is not None: train_idx = data_split_idx.get('train', None) val_idx = data_split_idx.get('val', None) test_idx = data_split_idx.get('test', None) if train_idx is None or test_idx is None: raise ValueError('train/test split indices must be provided together') else: train_dataset = X.iloc[train_idx] y_train = y[train_idx] test_dataset = X.iloc[test_idx] y_test = y[test_idx] if val_idx is not None: val_dataset = X.iloc[val_idx] y_val = y[val_idx] else: val_dataset = None y_val = None else: # split train/val/test train_dataset, test_dataset, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=seed, stratify=y, shuffle=True) val_size = int(len(y)*0.1) val_dataset = train_dataset.iloc[-val_size:] y_val = y_train[-val_size:] train_dataset = train_dataset.iloc[:-val_size] y_train = y_train[:-val_size] if data_cut is not None: np.random.shuffle(all_cols) sp_size=int(len(all_cols)/data_cut) col_splits = np.split(all_cols, range(0,len(all_cols),sp_size))[1:] new_col_splits = [] for split in col_splits: candidate_cols = np.random.choice(np.setdiff1d(all_cols, split), int(sp_size/2), replace=False) new_col_splits.append(split.tolist() + candidate_cols.tolist()) if len(col_splits) > data_cut: for i in range(len(col_splits[-1])): new_col_splits[i] += [col_splits[-1][i]] new_col_splits[i] = np.unique(new_col_splits[i]).tolist() new_col_splits = new_col_splits[:-1] # cut subset trainset_splits = np.array_split(train_dataset, data_cut) train_subset_list = [] for i in range(data_cut): train_subset_list.append( (trainset_splits[i][new_col_splits[i]], y_train.loc[trainset_splits[i].index]) ) print('# data: {}, # feat: {}, # cate: {}, # bin: {}, # numerical: {}, pos rate: {:.2f}'.format(len(X), len(attribute_names), len(cat_cols), len(bin_cols), len(num_cols), (y==1).sum()/len(y))) return (X, y), train_subset_list, (val_dataset,y_val), (test_dataset, y_test), cat_cols, num_cols, bin_cols else: print('# data: {}, # feat: {}, # cate: {}, # bin: {}, # numerical: {}, pos rate: {:.2f}'.format(len(X), len(attribute_names), len(cat_cols), len(bin_cols), len(num_cols), (y==1).sum()/len(y))) return (X,y), (train_dataset,y_train), (val_dataset,y_val), (test_dataset, y_test), cat_cols, num_cols, bin_cols