Source code for transtab.evaluator

from collections import defaultdict
import os
import pdb

import torch
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, accuracy_score, mean_squared_error

from . import constants

[docs]def predict(clf, x_test, y_test=None, return_loss=False, eval_batch_size=256, ): '''Make predictions by TransTabClassifier. Parameters ---------- clf: TransTabClassifier the classifier model to make predictions. x_test: pd.DataFrame input tabular data. y_test: pd.Series target labels for input x_test. will be ignored if ``return_loss=False``. return_loss: bool set True will return the loss if y_test is given. eval_batch_size: int the batch size for inference. Returns ------- pred_all: np.array if ``return_loss=False``, return the predictions made by TransTabClassifier. avg_loss: float if ``return_loss=True``, return the mean loss of the predictions made by TransTabClassifier. ''' clf.eval() pred_list, loss_list = [], [] for i in range(0, len(x_test), eval_batch_size): bs_x_test = x_test.iloc[i:i+eval_batch_size] bs_y_test = y_test.iloc[i:i+eval_batch_size] with torch.no_grad(): logits, loss = clf(bs_x_test, bs_y_test) if loss is not None: loss_list.append(loss.item()) if logits.shape[-1] == 1: # binary classification pred_list.append(logits.sigmoid().detach().cpu().numpy()) else: # multi-class classification pred_list.append(torch.softmax(logits,-1).detach().cpu().numpy()) pred_all = np.concatenate(pred_list, 0) if logits.shape[-1] == 1: pred_all = pred_all.flatten() if return_loss: avg_loss = np.mean(loss_list) return avg_loss else: return pred_all
def evaluate(ypred, y_test, metric='auc', seed=123, bootstrap=False): np.random.seed(seed) eval_fn = get_eval_metric_fn(metric) res_list = [] stats_dict = defaultdict(list) if bootstrap: for i in range(10): sub_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(ypred)), len(ypred), replace=True) sub_ypred = ypred[sub_idx] sub_ytest = y_test.iloc[sub_idx] try: sub_res = eval_fn(sub_ytest, sub_ypred) except ValueError: print('evaluation went wrong!') stats_dict[metric].append(sub_res) for key in stats_dict.keys(): stats = stats_dict[key] alpha = 0.95 p = ((1-alpha)/2) * 100 lower = max(0, np.percentile(stats, p)) p = (alpha+((1.0-alpha)/2.0)) * 100 upper = min(1.0, np.percentile(stats, p)) print('{} {:.2f} mean/interval {:.4f}({:.2f})'.format(key, alpha, (upper+lower)/2, (upper-lower)/2)) if key == metric: res_list.append((upper+lower)/2) else: res = eval_fn(y_test, ypred) res_list.append(res) return res_list def get_eval_metric_fn(eval_metric): fn_dict = { 'acc': acc_fn, 'auc': auc_fn, 'mse': mse_fn, 'val_loss': None, } return fn_dict[eval_metric] def acc_fn(y, p): y_p = np.argmax(p, -1) return accuracy_score(y, y_p) def auc_fn(y, p): return roc_auc_score(y, p) def mse_fn(y, p): return mean_squared_error(y, p) class EarlyStopping: """Early stops the training if validation loss doesn't improve after a given patience.""" def __init__(self, patience=7, verbose=False, delta=0, output_dir='ckpt', trace_func=print, less_is_better=False): """ Args: patience (int): How long to wait after last time validation loss improved. Default: 7 verbose (bool): If True, prints a message for each validation loss improvement. Default: False delta (float): Minimum change in the monitored quantity to qualify as an improvement. Default: 0 path (str): Path for the checkpoint to be saved to. Default: '' trace_func (function): trace print function. Default: print less_is_better (bool): If True (e.g., val loss), the metric is less the better. """ self.patience = patience self.verbose = verbose self.counter = 0 self.best_score = None self.early_stop = False self.val_loss_min = np.Inf = delta self.path = output_dir self.trace_func = trace_func self.less_is_better = less_is_better def __call__(self, val_loss, model): if self.patience < 0: # no early stop self.early_stop = False return if self.less_is_better: score = val_loss else: score = -val_loss if self.best_score is None: self.best_score = score self.save_checkpoint(val_loss, model) elif score < self.best_score + self.counter += 1 self.trace_func(f'EarlyStopping counter: {self.counter} out of {self.patience}') if self.counter >= self.patience: self.early_stop = True else: self.best_score = score self.save_checkpoint(val_loss, model) self.counter = 0 def save_checkpoint(self, val_loss, model): '''Saves model when validation loss decrease.''' if self.verbose: self.trace_func(f'Validation loss decreased ({self.val_loss_min:.6f} --> {val_loss:.6f}). Saving model ...'), os.path.join(self.path, constants.WEIGHTS_NAME)) self.val_loss_min = val_loss